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Interview: CEO of Wow3d, Guillaume Otrage

With a strong track-record in launching software innovations in the field of visualization, virtual reality, and 3d graphics, Guillaume Otrage is bringing interactive 3d apps to the global markets. He is capable of defining BtoB, digital marketing, and manages worldwide cross-cultural sales. Guillaume is extremely creative, inspiring, and excels in rapid product launches, while keeping a pragmatic focus on the realities of the bottom-line.

We got to interview him to learn more about his new startup and the industry.

How did you get started in doing what you do now?

From years in launching new products (in markets that are often new as well), I have a strong appetite for building solutions that matters to clients and this with the most efficiency. Building my startup is the way to that goal.

Why did you launch your startup? Why does it matter?

For years, I was promoting solutions with a strong 3d visual component (games, CAD, design, media...) But while doing so, I could only do on standard Powerpoints that brought not enough wizz and peps compared to what I was selling/marketing.

I found that many companies regardless of which industry they work in, share the same interest for differentiation and wow effect in their presentations. We provide 3d presentations in an instant.

What does a typical day in your week look like?

Manage existing clients to make them 120% happy, interact and define tasks to the team, answer emails, take my phone to call a few key partners/prospects, test new packages/go to markets/digital hacks, and prioritize ad infinitum till late (the scope of startups is immense).

What keeps you going when things get tough in your business?

The users' excitement, seeing new users show up at the door of our site.

Why did you join a startup accelerator?

To learn from others. Startups are about constantly learning and 2020 Startups brings me just that, as well as a unique opportunity to set foot in NY and the US market.

What 3 things does anyone starting in your industry need to know?

In Tech, it always takes longer than you expect, to kick off but also to end (I have been through a few product cycles).

Do not expect the client to lead you clearly: their feedback is crucial but you need to dig deep to get the real importance for you business.

Do not get fooled by smoke and mirrors in the 3d visualization business. It takes more than a technology to make a real usable needed solution.

What has been your biggest customer success story? Why do you think it was a success?

Supporting Live! A GL event company to create 3d presentations for Dassault Systemes yearly sales kick off in Monaco this year. The Powerpoints were converted on our tool in minutes, on site, by Powerpoint designers. When the CEO of this almost $ 4B company came on stage and vibrant, engaging 3d Powerpoint-made graphics were displayed I knew we had reached a milestone.

Reducing the complexity so that Powerpoint designer can use our tool, being 100% reliable in a key moment and most importantly helping client have a greater impact with 3D was without doubt a success.

Tell us something interesting we should know about you?

Outside of work, I am a writer (1 book) and documentary producer (1 film). I love storytelling. Startup is one of the ultimate ways in the present days to write a story in collaboration with others.

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